Fixed a few dialogues in the game that were not triggering (late game lab, Moldorc Castle button).Clients can now achieve the "Chillax" achievement if the host had already achieved it without them being there.Player summons can no longer trigger effects from the player when attacked by the player.Steal effect no longer applied to friendly targets.Added in Chimney'd Pinecone Roof which was missing from the original 1.2 update.The previous shape prevented corner roof pieces from attaching correctly if the chimney was placed flush with the walls.Updated the building shape of the chimney-to-roof intersection pieces.Wasps summoned with the Apex Predator effect of the Bard's Bow now also apply bleed with their attack.

Lil Fist Mastery bonus now guarantees a second hit with every punch.Increased the damage of the bonus attack from the power droplet.

Increased the damage and stun damage of the unarmed bonus attack from Lil Fist.Increasing the bonus poison damage gained from Spider and Widow armor sets.Broodmother set poison, venom, and poison nova effects no longer get applied to the player or your party members.Increasing damage per tick of all poison effects.Most poisons applied by the player to creatures now have double the duration.